Looking to deeeep dive?

We took the time to scour the internet for you.

  • Download TRX-2 EZ Scan Software. Download the software for this scanner for free. Set up scanlists, configure for your area & see if you're comfortable operating before you buy. If you buy, you'll have everything set up & ready to go.
  • TRX-2 Owner's Manual.
  • Radio Reference is the largest police scanner radio forum with over 850k users. There are several threads about the TRX-2 where just about every question imaginable has been asked and answered by TRX-2 owners.
  • YouTube playlist for the TRX-2.
  • This Facebook group of TRX-2 owners is private but they are very good about accepting new members, usually within minutes. This is a good place to chat with folks that actually own the TRX-2.
4 Part Whistler Programming Video Series