Looking to deeeep dive?

We took the time to scour the internet for you.

  • Mark's Scanners is an excellent, very detailed website comprised of digital owner's guides for all police scanner radios, including the HomePatrol-2. We highly recommend this page to all HomePatrol-2 owners (and potential buyers) as it's loaded with how-to's, screenshots and more.
  • Download HomePatrol-2 Sentinel Software. Download the programming software for this scanner at no extra charge. Download this software for free, set up favorites lists, configure for your area & see if you're comfortable operating before you buy. If you buy, you'll have everything set up & ready to go.
  • HomePatrol-2 Owner's Manual. This is the official Home Patrol-2 owner's manual, but we highly recommend Mark's Scanners Home Patrol-2 guide over this.
  • Radio Reference is the largest police scanner radio forum with over 850k users. There are several threads about the HomePatrol-2 where just about every question imaginable has been asked and answered by HomePatrol-2 owners.
  • Uniden has a forum which, while not as active as Radio Reference, is a great place to ask and answer HomePatrol-2 questions.
  • There are Yahoo Groups for every police scanner radio including the HomePatrol-2.
  • Uniden created a one page "sell sheet" for the HomePatrol-2.
  • eHam is a great source for unfiltered user reviews of the HomePatrol-2. While not as in-depth as professional reviews, you can get a good general idea of what users think about the HomePatrol-2.
  • Monitoring Reviews has a 15 minute video review of the HomePatrol-2.

Watch our Uniden Sentinel software programming video here or above in video gallery.