I need a digital scanner, why should I buy the BearTracker 885?
The CB and scanner combo is pretty slick. While the BearTracker 885 can pick up digital signals, it CANNOT pick up some forms of digital, including: DMR, ProVoice, and moto trunked systems.
What is BearTracker Warning System?
BearTracker Warning System gives you alerts whenever there is nearby public safety radio traffic. The BearTracker 885 does this by checking the low-power signal produced by the radio in the public safety vehicle, so if you get an alert, you'll know that there is activity within a couple miles of you. This feature is legal to use, even in commercial interstate commerce vehicles.
Will the 885 go on sale anytime soon?
We don't know. Uniden does not disclose when they will be dropping prices and even when prices do drop, it is usually only $5 -$10. You can sign up for our emails & we'll keep you posted.
Additional Memory?
You can add a larger memory (SD card) to increase favorites lists and recording space. Recording time by SD card size:
- 2 GB = 6 hours
- 4 GB = 12 hours
- 8 GB = 24 hours
- 16 GB = 50 hours
- 32 GB = 100 hours
- 64 GB = 200 hours
What do BearTracker 885 buyers say?
- CB works great.
- Scanner does not work great.
- Can't be programmed externally.