Released in the summer of 2017, the Uniden BearTracker 885 is the only scanner that can both scan frequencies and transmit/receive via CB radio.
While the combo of the CB and scanner in one is great, this scanner is lacking in many areas. While this scanner CAN pick up digital frequencies, it CANNOT pick up DMR or ProVoice, which covers large portions of the US. While all US and Canadian frequencies are on the scanner and can be easily set up, it does not come with Sentinel software. Without Sentinel software you cannot program favorites lists on a computer (why we do not offer programming), everything must be done on the scanner itself. On the face you cannot see what frequency or Talk Group you are hearing, the BearTracker 885 only displays the word 'Police or Fire', which limits capabilities. The CB does not have SSB.
So while this is a nice combo at first glance, it's a stripped down version of a digital scanner and a limited CB radio. So overall, "meh", is a good way to sum this scanner up. We still sell this scanner but we want to make our customers aware of it's limitations as our goal it to make all customers happy with their purchase. The ideal buyer of this scanner/CB combo is tuckers/RVers/road trippers who want to be able to use CB a little bit and hear what is going on in their area. That is why the internal GPS is great. However, if you'll be using from one location only, this is not the product for you.