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We took the time to scour the internet for you.

  • Mark's Scanners is an excellent, very detailed website comprised of digital owner's guides for all police scanner radios. The Uniden BearTracker 885 has not been added yet, but should be in the near future. We highly recommend this page to all BearTracker 885 owners (and potential buyers). It's loaded with how-to's, screenshots, and more.
  • Download BearTracker 885 frequency update manager for free.
  • BearTracker 885 Owner's Manual. This is the official BearTracker 885 owner's manual from Uniden.
  • Radio Reference is the largest police scanner radio forum with over 850k users. There are several threads about the BearTracker 885 where just about every question imaginable has been asked and answered by actual Uniden BearTracker 885 owners.
  • Our Uniden BearTracker 885 YouTube playlist contains several reviews of the BearTracker 885 from both professionals as well as users.