Ham Radio Crib Notes
Amateur radio operators (AKA "Hams") are sort of like the outlaws of the radio communications realm. They operate on the fringes, well outside the accepted mainstream bands, chatting about whoever and whatever they want, wherever they want, on their own time, by their rules.
Hams use their homemade rigs to wrangle the rodeo bull of free and open radio communication, then ride off into the sunset on their no-name palomino horse made of airwaves...
Okay, that image is a wee dramatique, but the point is that ham radio operators are totally tubular and we support them in all their independent radio endeavors. After all, where would police scanners be without the ham community's passion and dedication to renegade radio activity?
Yes, we love Hams (and Hamm's) here at Zip Scanners, which is why we made this handy dandy amateur radio cheat sheet. We hope it serves you well as a shortcut to helpful codes and lingo. Dot and dash your way through your own ham radio journey!

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